Stream Song 36x55cm SOLD
Kindling 56x76cm $8950
O'Brien's Shearing Shed 56x76cm $8950
Sunlight 36x26cm $2400
Stranded 55x73cm $7500
The Green Window 54x72cm SOLD
Winter Mulberry 62x100cm $7950
River Gums 36x55cm $3500
Free Spirit 55x73cm SOLD
Chuck Out 54x72cm $6500
Fledglings 72x54cm SOLD
Secrets and Leaves 56x76cm NFS
Ancient Ties 73x55cm SOLD
Duffy's Hill 56x76cm $6950
Wood duck 26x36cm NFS - available as a print
Cellar Door 54x72cm SOLD
Frosty Morning, Dubbo 36x55cm $3200
Evening Egret 56x76cm SOLD
The Battler 56x76cm $8950
Resting Up - Stilts 56x76cm SOLD
Cattle Country 44x72cm $4950
Echoes 56x76cm SOLD
The Sound of Water 36x54cm $3200
Casuarinas and Black Ducks 36x55cm $3200
Sentinel 36x55cm SOLD
Rock Art 36x54cm $3950
Morning Light, Manly Dam 36x55cm SOLD
Jacky Winter 36x55cm SOLD
Apparition 36x55cm $2950
Fly Past 36x55cm $2950